My sleeping pattern lately is so fucked up. I either hit the bed at 11 and am out like a light, or am in a half awake anxiety sleep all night long. Tonight I was too tired to stay awake, and as soon as I laid down, got too awake to sleep. The few nights it's rained the past few weeks I've slept well, but I live in LA now. So I think I may be shit outta luck if I'm expecting more upcoming rain sleeps.
Today was sort of an off day. The highlight of my day was creating a special report on the retail software at work. Followed by a series of confused-by-the-way-people-are situations.
I'm understanding computers more then humans now. 2011 mannnnnnn. (Archie 2000 was right?)
I haven't listened to the Vivian Girls in a while, but Fud sent me this song tonight and I really love it.